würde mich gerne an obdachlose Drogensüchtigen hingeben zum Ficken. Mir tun die leid, keine Person will sex mit solchen. Wär schön wenn ich mich hingeben könnte wie das girl. So das ich ihn nicht ansehen kann und darf. Weiss nicht ob der Obdachlose das Condom prepariert hat, so das sein sperma doch sein weg hinein gefunden hat. Würde mich danach sicher schämen sperma von einem Obdachlosen Drogensüchtigen danach in mir drinn zu haben. Darf ihm aber sicher kein vorwurf machen, sowas kann ja passieren.
would love to give myself to homeless drug addicts to fuck. I feel sorry for them, no person wants sex with them. Would be nice if I could give myself like the girl. So that I cannot and must not look at him. Don't know if the homeless man prepared the condom so that his sperm found its way inside. I'd be embarrassed to have sperm from a homeless drug addict inside me afterwards. But you can't blame him, something like that can happen.
would love to give myself to homeless drug addicts to fuck. I feel sorry for them, no person wants sex with them. Would be nice if I could give myself like the girl. So that I cannot and must not look at him. Don't know if the homeless man prepared the condom so that his sperm found its way inside. I'd be embarrassed to have sperm from a homeless drug addict inside me afterwards. But you can't blame him, something like that can happen.